Preparing for Exam Season

Preparing for Exam Season

As exam season approaches, schools, teachers, and pupils alike begin to feel the pressure of GCSEs and A-levels. This time of year is not just about revision and exam techniques; it’s also about maintaining wellbeing, managing stress, and ensuring a smooth and...
The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill recently passed its second reading on 8 January 2025 and continues to progress through Parliament. This proposed legislation represents a significant step forward in safeguarding and supporting children’s welfare across...

Primary Teaching Assistant in Stourbridge

First for Education is currently seeking hard working, enthusiastic and dedicated Primary Teaching Assistant in Stourbridge for a full-time and part time positions. The skills we are looking for include: The right candidate will need to demonstrate a clear passion for...
School Business Leaders

School Business Leaders

School Business Leaders Awareness Day in England is held in June. This day aims to highlight the vital contributions of School Business Leaders and the importance of their role. What is the role of School Business Leaders? School Business Leaders ensure the smooth and...
Teacher recruitment and retention 2024

Teacher recruitment and retention 2024

10 findings from reports regarding teacher recruitment and retention 2024. Here we have presented 10 findings about teacher recruitment and retention facing schools in 2024, from a a variety of sources. Postgraduate teacher recruitment was 38% below target for the...
Charity Snowdon Climb

Charity Snowdon Climb

Snowdon climb raised money for charity We would like to congratulate and thank members of our Provide Education Team for their latest effort of ‘giving back’ to the community. Several team members did a charity Snowdon climb in mid-April when the weather was expected...
Mental health awareness week

Mental health awareness week

Movement and Mental health Did you know this year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is all about movement? So here we share how physical activity works on so many levels to help mental health. Although we call it mental health, a lot of mental ill health can...
Teacher Stress

Teacher Stress

As part of stress awareness month, we look at the growing concerns of teacher stress. We then focus on understanding stress and suggest some coping strategies. Teacher stress and findings from recent reports Before we go any further, we need to understand the...
A teacher guide and tips on autism.

A teacher guide and tips on autism.

As part of national autism week, we have devised a short teacher guide and tips on autism. Running from the 2nd to the 8th April, ‘Autism Acceptance Week’ is promoting peer awareness of autism. What is autism? A brief definition is that Autism or Autistic Spectrum...
Managing Aggression in the Classroom

Managing Aggression in the Classroom

Proactive Strategies for Managing Aggression in the Classroom Here we look at part 2 of understanding and managing aggression in the classroom. We have put together a 10 point guide of proactive strategies. Establish clear expectations and rules in the classroom....
Understanding Aggression in the Classroom

Understanding Aggression in the Classroom

Understanding aggression  in the classroom can be a real challenge. Have you ever found yourself face-to-face with an angry student, unsure of how to defuse the situation? It’s a tough spot to be in, but it’s crucial that we address aggression head-on....
Teacher Pensions

Teacher Pensions

Its pension awareness week so here we look at some need-to-know information about teacher pensions. Pension awareness week was started to highlight that people in the UK are not saving enough for their futures. Currently in the UK, one in six are aged over 65 years....
Teaching children gratitude

Teaching children gratitude

It’s World Gratitude Day, on the 21st September, here are some tips, which may help you with lesson planning if you intend to recognise on the day. Did you know that today is Random Act of Kindness Day? Did you know teaching children gratitude can help their...
National Share a Story Month 2024

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day 8th September Did you know that International Literacy Day has been established since 1967? It was started in order to increase global awareness of the importance of literacy. Improved literacy is linked to better health, cognitive...
Why is literacy so important?

Why is literacy so important?

Today is ‘National Read A Book Day’ and it is ‘International Literacy Day’ on the 8th September. So, as we celebrate two literacy linked days this week, we thought we would look at why is literacy is so important. “From the day our children are born, to the day they...
Awareness Days

Awareness Days

Awareness days are a great opportunity for pupils to explore new topics, and to generate some classroom variation. Awareness days often need planning, so we’ve summarised all key dates for the first academic term. September Awareness Days 6th National Read A Book Day...
Keeping Children Safe

Keeping Children Safe

Please download Keeping Children Safe Government policy which comes into force on the 1st September 2023, read it carefully and keep for future reference. Please find the guidance for schools here. What is the status of this guidance for Keeping Children Safe? This is...
Results summary 2023

Results summary 2023

Here is a quick A-level and GCSE results summary 2023, as well as how they compare to previous years. 10 need to know facts about A-level and GCSE results 2023. Numbers of A or A* grades awarded at A-level, have decreased by 27.2%. The number of top A-level grades...
Teacher CPD

Teacher CPD

This is a reminder to consider how you can plan some time over the summer to get ahead with your teacher CPD. Remember it’s part of your registration process and you can be at an advantage when applying for supply teaching jobs or permanent teacher roles. In addition,...
Teacher recruitment and retention 2024

Cultural Education Plan Summary

Here we give you an update on the Cultural Education Plan. The intention to have a Cultural Education Plan was first released as part of the white paper: Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child. 10-point Cultural Education Plan summary...
10 teacher wellbeing tips

10 teacher wellbeing tips

10 Teacher Wellbeing Tips to Make the Most of Your Summer Holidays. It’s world wellbeing week. Learn how to return to school in September 2023, feeling refreshed and energised, with our 10 teacher wellbeing tips. Plan when you are going to your CPD, and time...
Plastic free July

Plastic free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages individuals to reduce their plastic waste throughout the month of July. By participating in Plastic Free July, you can help combat plastic pollution and contribute to a cleaner environment. There are numerous...
Learning Disability Week

Learning Disability Week

About Learning Disability Week This year, Learning Disability Week 2023 starts on the 19th and finishes on the 25th of June. The focus of this years is about ‘busting myths about living life with a learning disability.’ Did you know that people who have a learning...
Drowning Prevention Week

Drowning Prevention Week

About Drowning Prevention Week Did you know that the annual Drowning Prevention Week takes place from June 17th to June 24th 2023? It was started by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) to help prevent the number of avoidable lives lost through drowning in the...
A teacher guide to gender definitions

A teacher guide to gender definitions

A reminder of Gender definitions Here we have a  teacher guide to gender definitions. We now live in a society that embraces individuality, rather than generalisations according to the mainstream. A person is encouraged to have a sense of self due to how they feel,...
Butterfly Awareness Day

Butterfly Awareness Day

Did you know that International Butterfly Awareness Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of June every year? This year International Butterfly Awareness Day is on the 3rd of June. Teaching Opportunities Firstly, it provides an opportunity to teach children about...
NFER summary for teachers

NFER summary for teachers

Here we look at NFER summary for teachers but who are NFER? NFER stands for the National Foundation for Educational Research. They research various aspects within the education sector and released a report in March 2023. The report: Teacher Labour Market in England,...
Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

The 15th of May to Sunday the 21st of May is Mental Health Awareness Week. Fortunately, there is a growing awareness and willingness to talk about mental health issues, however we can always go further. Mental health awareness week seeks to encourage everyone to talk...
Europe day

Europe day

Have you heard of Europe day and how it started? Europe Day is held on the 9th of May every year throughout the world it and celebrates unity across Europe. It first came about when French foreign minister Robert Schuman made an important speech where he set out the...
Schools Alumni Week

Schools Alumni Week

What is Schools Alumni Week? You may not be aware that the first ever Schools Alumni Week is being held from April 24th to the 28th 2023. It is being launched by Future First, an education charity to highlight the need for pupils to have relatable role models....
Early Years Teachers

Early Years Teachers

National Early Years Teacher Day Did you know today is National Early Years Teacher Day? It is an opportunity to celebrate Early Years Teachers and the setting they work in. Early Years Teachers are specialists with youngsters up to the age of 5 years old. Graduates...
Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

Did you know that April is stress awareness month? Since 1992, stress awareness month has been held to raise awareness to decrease stigma, increase understanding and encourage people to talk. For teaching staff, including early years, primary, secondary and college...
About school gardens

About school gardens

Here we look at the benefits of school gardens and how to get started. Did you know Community Garden Week, 2023 starts today? If you are a supply teacher, primary school teacher, T.A or are a SEN teacher or SEND Teaching Assistant, you may already be involved in a...
School Art Syllabus

School Art Syllabus

Who should read the School Art Syllabus report? Here we explore the latest report on  School Art Syllabus. Are you an art teacher, primary teacher, SEN teacher or supply teacher with responsibility for art education? Did you know that Ofsted recently published a...
Finding ECT jobs

Finding ECT jobs

ECTs first teaching jobs Here we look at finding your first ECT job. Are you an Early Careers Teacher, almost at the end of your university course?  Are you looking for an ECT role, either a permanent ECT job or a supply ECT teaching placement? Firstly, you may be...
British Science Week 2023

British Science Week 2023

When and what is ‘British Science Week’? Did you know British Science Week 2023, runs for 10 days from the 10th to the 19th of March? It celebrates science, technology, engineering as well as maths and is run by the British Science Association. This year’s...
SEND report summary

SEND report summary

Here we have a SEND report summary based on the government paper released recently. Are you a SEND teacher, a SENCo or primary teacher, either permanent or supply? If so, you may be interested in our 10 need to know facts about this long-awaited government SEND...
National Share a Story Month 2024

World Book Day

About World Book Day World Book Day is celebrated on the 2nd March 2023 with the theme this year of making it YOUR World Book Day. Organised by the United Nation’s Education and Science sector, it first started in the UK in 1997. It helps teachers, T.A.s, supply...
Eating Disorder Awareness

Eating Disorder Awareness

Its Eating Disorder Awareness Week and here we look at information for teachers and free resource links. What is Eating Disorder Awareness Week and why do we need to discuss it in schools? Eating Disorder Awareness week centres on educating people on spotting the...
Apprentice of the Year

Apprentice of the Year

Apprentice of the Year: Poppy Burnside We are delighted to announce that the Young Professionals Apprentice of the Year 2023, was won by OEG’s very own Poppy Burnside. You may not be aware that this was the inaugural event for the Young Professional Awards, Insider,...
 Children’s Mental Health Week

 Children’s Mental Health Week

 About Children’s Mental Health Week This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, from Feb 6th to the 12th. It’s an ideal time for Teachers and Teaching Assistants as well as Senior leadership teams to focus on children’s wellbeing. The theme this year is...
NSPCC Number Day

NSPCC Number Day

Its NSPCC Number Day in the UK! Did you know that on Friday 3 February 2023 its NSPCC Number Day? This is an opportunity for teachers and T.A.s to focus on maths whilst fundraising. What is NSPCC Number Day? The idea of NSPCC is to raise awareness of abuse of children...
Big Schools’ Birdwatch

Big Schools’ Birdwatch

What it is the Big Schools’ Birdwatch? Did you know that from the 6th of January to the 20th of February, you can be a part of the Big Schools’ Birdwatch? Firstly, the big birdwatch is a national event that takes place annually to log numbers of birds that...
Chinese New Year 2023

Chinese New Year 2023

Why not teach school pupils about Chinese New Year 2023? Firstly, it can be a great opportunity for teachers and supply teachers to offer lots of different and fun activities. You can try to do some artwork, learn about Chinese culture, learn about Chinese foods as...
A teacher guide to gender definitions

Sexism in schools

Sexism in schools: the rise of Andrew Tate. Why has sexism in schools become so relevant now? Did you know that schools have reported an increase in sexism, sexual abuse and hatred towards girls? In addition, are you aware of the recent Ofsted report? The report found...
Life after Leadership: 2

Life after Leadership: 2

Life after Leadership: part 2 Here we introduce you to our next podcast episode – Life after Leadership: 2, the follow-up to our earlier Life after Leadership. Our interviewee, is Gay Wales, an experienced leader of strategic change who is passionate about...
New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

How to write and stick to New Year Resolutions Did you know that about half of New Year resolutions that we make fail? We may start the year with good intentions only for them to fall off our agenda. Most of us, including teachers and supply teachers have busy...
10 teacher wellbeing tips

Teacher wellbeing over Christmas

How teaching staff can unwind over the Christmas period. Did you know that it not that uncommon for teachers, TAs and other teaching staff to put their pupils before themselves? Consequently, this can make many have difficulty unwinding. Sometimes teaching staff can...
Life after Leadership 1

Life after Leadership 1

A summary of our latest podcast episode – Life after Leadership:1 Here we take a look at life after leadership: 1. Firstly, leaving an education leadership role can be a difficult transition. In addition, it can be hard to know when the right time to leave is,...
Computer Science Education

Computer Science Education

What is Computer Science Education week? Firstly, do you know this week is Computer Science Education week? Do you know how did it start and why? Starting in 2009 by the Association for Computing, it is a global event that now focuses on the importance of computer...
World Cup teaching ideas

World Cup teaching ideas

As the FIFA World Cup started at the weekend, we thought we would list 10 of the best teaching football World Cup teaching ideas. Using world cup themed lesson plans is a great way to engage students. I think you will agree that there will be a lot of students who...
Teachers’ workplace bullying

Teachers’ workplace bullying

Here we have listed a 10-point teachers’ workplace bullying management guide. Did you know that this week is anti-bullying week? You may have read are previous guide to managing bullying amongst pupils. If not, whether you are a teacher, TA, or teaching support staff,...
Social Media Kindness Day

Social Media Kindness Day

Did you know that today is Social Media Kindness Day? This day has been set up in honour of the late Love Island UK presenter Caroline Flack. Sadly, Caroline was reported to have suffered from online abuse and “trolling” which contributed to her state of mind and...
Leadership through change

Leadership through change

Episode 3: Leadership through change and adapting to an ever-changing educational world with Tanya Watts The education landscape is ever-changing. In particular, over the last two years, we’ve seen more tremendous change than ever. Furthermore, it takes strong...
Attainment gap study

Attainment gap study

A Summary of the Attainment Gap Study Here we look at a recent attainment gap study, led jointly by University College London and the Sutton Trust. The study tracked 13,000 pupils in England through the pandemic and aims to follow them in the coming years. As you have...
New Education Minister

New Education Minister

New Education Minister Here we go again! Another guide to the recently appointed new Education Minister. Did you know that this is the fifth one to be in post in the last 3 months? Sadly, it’s hard to keep up to date with government changes and different ministers of...
Organised Teacher Guide

Organised Teacher Guide

Organised Teacher Guide Our Organised Teacher Guide includes a free downloadable digital calendar with holidays and awareness days to help with lesson planning. If you look at any advice or tips on how to be a better teacher, the one thing on all lists is...
First Supply Teaching Role

First Supply Teaching Role

First Supply Teaching Role Your first supply teaching role can only be offered once your safeguarding and vetting checks are completed. Don’t forget you can register with us here if you have not already done so. Following your clearance for work, we will begin...
Staying classroom safe

Staying classroom safe

How to stay classroom safe Did you know that staying classroom safe is the duty of teaching staff in any situation? Importantly, you need to ensure you embrace this whilst working as a supply teacher for First For Education. Firstly, here are some key points to assist...
Supply Teaching Staff Introduction

Supply Teaching Staff Introduction

Supply Teaching Staff Introduction to First For Education Our supply teaching staff introduction has been designed to give you useful tips and essential information. We hope it will help you get the most out of working with us and our clients. But first we want to let...
How to Become a Supply Teacher

How to Become a Supply Teacher

How to Become a Supply Teacher Supply teachers are as important to the education system as permanent teachers, and in recent times, their availability to cover the role of a full-time teacher has been crucial to maintaining normal school life. With the pandemic...
Attainment gap study

Ending the day

Ending the day is just as important as the start of it. Ending the day in the classroom Please remember that as a supply teacher it is your responsibility to leave all teaching areas safe, clean and tidy. Make sure the classroom is empty of any rubbish  as a result of...
Information to ask

Information to ask

To make yourself well informed on your first day, we have listed areas of information to ask about. You can ask about general school information such as: The basic information to ask on your first day as a supply teacher School timetable information...
First school assignment

First school assignment

Your first school assignment in a supply teaching role Please arrive at school for your first school assignment at least 30 minutes before classes are assembled for registration. We recommend that you arrive no later than 8.15am. This will ensure that you have enough...
Teacher Dress Code

Teacher Dress Code

Teacher Dress Code for supply teaching staff Part of our supply teacher dress code is so you make a good impression from the moment you arrive at your assignment. We ask that you are punctual, organised and dressed in a clean, smart and professional manner, with good...
10 teacher wellbeing tips

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day World Mental Health Day aims to make people aware of the importance of mental health and to help de-stigmatise it. First celebrated in 1992, organised by the World Federation for Mental Health, the theme this year is to ‘Make Mental Health and...
Education Leadership Abroad

Education Leadership Abroad

Education Leadership Abroad Education Leadership abroad is explored in the second instalment of our podcast series – Inspirational Education Leaders. Episode 2: International Schools: The challenge of Leading Abroad with Clive Rogers Have you have ever considered...
Education Minister

Education Minister

Education Minister New Education Minister: Did you know there have been 4 different Ministers for Education in the last 2 months? It’s hard to keep up to date with changes but everyone is hoping the latest one stays for much needed stability. So, to help you keep...
Teacher Pensions

School budget pressures

School budget pressures School budget pressures and their impact can be complex to understand. In addition, it can change quickly depending on a range of factors. If you are a school leader, you will know that these pressures can affect curriculum delivery to building...
T.A. interview questions

T.A. interview questions

T.A. interview questions Its Teaching Assistant’s Day and here, we look at the 6 most common areas of T.A. interview questions. A Teaching Assistant’s role involves many skills and attributes, but common themes emerge of what interviewers may want to explore in an...
Children and the Queen’s death

Children and the Queen’s death

Children and the Queen’s death – how teachers can support  Children and the Queen’s death: The death of Queen Elizabeth II has triggered much sadness across the country and beyond. Reports of her death and funeral arrangements dominate the news as well as...
SEND pupils and the Queen’s death

SEND pupils and the Queen’s death

SEND pupils and the Queen’s death SEND pupils and the Queen’s death; so many of us are feeling sad and it can be difficult to explain. So, here is a storyboard for SEND teachers to explain all the events and feelings about the Queen’s death. We have...
Education Leaders Podcast

Education Leaders Podcast

Introducing OELR’s new Education Leaders  Podcast We have had an amazing response following the premiere of our new Education Leaders Podcast series – Inspirational Education Leaders. So we wanted make sure you are not missing out on our monthly podcast series....
How to Become a Supply Teacher

ECT Supply teaching tips

ECT supply teaching tips. We asked our supply ECTs for their best ECT supply teaching tips and here is our top 5. ECT Supply Teaching Tips: “Research some recruitment agencies before you register, spending the time to choose a good agency will save you time in the...
Finding ECT jobs

Finding the right role

Finding the right role as an ECT Our ECT tips on finding the right role for you is important. Its essential you are placed in the best role as your first teaching assignment will shape your future. Remember statistics suggest 20% of ECTs leave within their first two...
T.A. interview questions

Why ECTs should choose supply teaching

WHY ECTS SHOULD CHOOSE SUPPLY TEACHING? Starting as an ECT and working as a supply teacher gives you the perfect platform to gain real classroom experience. You are also able to still get all the support you need to help you through your induction year. ECTs tell us...
10 findings on the attainment gap

10 findings on the attainment gap

Here are our 10 findings on the attainment gap and on pupils who are most affected due to the impact of Covid, according to latest research. Latest research Latest research compared current academic attainment with 2019 levels. The Nuffield Foundation-funded study...
DBS Policy

DBS Policy

DBS Policy Here we explain about our Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Policy. The safety of children and young people is paramount to OEG and its brands. We are committed to implementing the appropriate procedures and arrangements to comply with the DBS Code of Practice. ...
Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy

Our Data Protection Policy covers how we process personal data according to data protection legislation. This includes in particular the Data Protection Act 1998 (or its successor) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (together the ‘Data Protection Laws’)....
10 tips to cool down

10 tips to cool down

10 Tips to Cool Down in School Do you know how to keep children cool in the pending heatwave? As we will see temperatures soar in the early part of this week, we have listed 10 tips to help keep children cool. 10 tips to cool down are summarised from the advice issued...
Allegations Policy

Allegations Policy

Allegations and Misconduct Policy Importantly, our Allegations Policy gives details of what action we will take when concerns are raised with us. Above all, any concerns raised with us will be viewed alongside other appropriate policies. Consequently, these will...
Recruitment and Vetting

Recruitment and Vetting

Recruitment and vetting processes are very important to us. We guarantee that all staff we supply have been cleared for work according to DfE guidance. In addition to our recruitment and vetting procedures, we carry out a face to face interview with all our supply...
Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy Here is are Complaints Policy. Operam Education Group (OEG) is committed to providing a high level of service to our customers. If you do not receive satisfaction from us, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards....
10 reasons/tips on teacher CPD over the summer

10 reasons/tips on teacher CPD over the summer

10 reasons/tips on teacher CPD over the summer Here we have 10 reasons/tips on teacher CPD.  This could help you get thinking about how you can plan some time over the summer to get ahead. Did you know that Ofsted states that your teacher CPD needs to be “aligned with...
How to Become a Supply Teacher

Improve writing within Primary schools

How to encourage and improve writing within Primary schools. Do you know how to improve writing within Primary schools? Here we have 10 tips/resources for teaching staff to improve writing for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils. Did you know that today is national...
Students and maths’ anxiety: 10 key facts

Students and maths’ anxiety: 10 key facts

Here we have put together 10 facts teachers should know about student maths’ anxiety. Students and maths’ anxiety:10 key facts teachers should know. Do you know what maths’ anxiety is? Maths’ anxiety is a negative response to maths which produces an...
Teacher recruitment and retention 2024

10 Facts School Leaders Should Know

10 facts School Leaders should know about the sustainability and climate change paper. Here are 10 facts School Leaders should know about the sustainability and climate change paper. Did you know that on the 10th June 2022, we celebrate National School Business...
Europe day

World Environmental Day 2022

World Environmental Day 2022 It’s World Environmental Day 2022, and this year the theme is there is ‘Only One Earth.’ Did you know it was started by the United Nations to raise awareness of environmental issues across the globe? Importantly, World...
Social Media Kindness Day

10 ways to teach pupils media literacy

10 ways to teach media literacy Here are our 10 ways for you to teach pupils media literacy and help you understand more about the topic. You may ask what is media literacy? Media literacy is the understanding of information via radio, film, tv, gaming, influencers,...
T.A. interview questions

How to write your CV – an ECT guide

Here is our ECT guide on how to write your CV, what to include and how to present it; we have a link to our free ECT digital handbook or you can view our ECT support section here. In our digital handbook, we have done our best to support ECTs to prepare them for their...
Education Leadership Recruitment launch

Education Leadership Recruitment launch

Education Leadership Launch We are delighted to announce our Leadership Recruitment launch. This is a new bespoke service that focuses on sourcing and hiring school leaders. Although there is a widely recognised shortage of education leaders, we feel there are still...
Hailey Hardcastle

Hailey Hardcastle

Here, we have a TED  talk from Hailey Hardcastle. Did you know its Mental Health Awareness week? Although this year’s theme is ‘Loneliness’ we thought it appropriate to share this insightful TED TALK. It is titled ‘Why students should have mental health days.’ It’s...