How to support students with exam stress

How to support students with exam stress

Here we look at how to support students with exam stress. As exam season approaches, it is normal for students to feel a bit worried about exams. However, a lot of pupils are experiencing higher degrees of anxiety this year. Why has exam stress increased? You probably...
OEG appoints its first Apprentice Ambassador

OEG appoints its first Apprentice Ambassador

Apprentice Ambassador We are delighted to announce that we have appointed our first Apprentice Ambassador, Poppy Burnside. Poppy is from our West Yorkshire branch and first joined OEG as a Service Administrator Apprentice, at 17 years old. She decided that she wanted...
A Supply teacher guide to managing burnout

A Supply teacher guide to managing burnout

Did you know that recent research indicates that the number of teachers leaving the profession have returned to pre-pandemic levels? Here we look at tips for managing burnout and a healthy work/life balance. 10 Teachers Tips on Managing Burnout Don’t be self-critical...
Equality and diversity in the classroom

Equality and diversity in the classroom

What is equality and diversity? Equality and diversity, refers to accepting and promoting people’s differences, whilst securing no-one is marginalised. Importantly no-one should be treated differently due to factors such as their age, gender, religion, disability,...
The Equality Act 2010 and teaching

The Equality Act 2010 and teaching

About The Equality Act 2010 Here we take a look at the Equality Act 2010. The government has recently released ‘Inclusive Britain: government response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities’. This follows the findings of the Sewell report published in...
SEND  learning principles

SEND learning principles

Here we remind you of Rosenshine’s SEND learning principles. Firstly, you are probably aware of the pressures of the pandemic on education for all. However, for the SEND sector, it means even more added pressure. Despite this, it remains one of the most...
Further education teacher tips

Further education teacher tips

10 Survival Tips for Supply Teaching in Further Education Further education like the other education sectors has been affected by the pandemic. However, there are lots of opportunities for a variety of teaching and technical support posts. As a further education...
British Science week

British Science week

British Science week: resources and ideas Above all, British science week was developed to raise awareness and encourage education, training and careers in STEM subjects. It lasts 10 days and celebrates science, technology, engineering and maths. Did you know that...
Eating disorders signs

Eating disorders signs

Signs of eating disorders in pupils that teachers may observe This post aims to help teachers detect eating disorder signs in pupils. Firstly, it’s eating disorder week and recently we have found increased numbers of children who have an eating disorder....
Teaching political issues

Teaching political issues

Our 10-point guide to teaching about political issues Did you see the recent event regarding a primary school class that hit the news? You may remember the class who wrote letters to the prime minister, asking him to resign. However, you may not be aware that the...
Eating disorders signs

Pupil mental health issues

Here are some tips for teachers to spot pupil mental health issues. It’s Children’s Mental Health Week and we look at some useful information for our supply teaching staff to consider. You may be aware that mental health issues in children and teenagers has...
British Science week

Secondary Supply Teacher Tips

Secondary supply teachers tips for those who want to save on their time. We all need to save time more than ever, but pressures of the pandemic mean extra tasks and demands on an already busy workload. So here we have put together some time management tips to keep you...
Self-harm in pupils

Self-harm in pupils

10 Tips for Teachers to Spot Signs of Self-harm in Pupils Did you know that there is new draft guidelines on self-harm in pupil produced by NICE? Importantly, the guidance suggests staff in schools need to know how to identify pupils who have self-harmed. This is the...
Retired teachers returning

Retired teachers returning

FAQ – Retired teachers returning to teaching 1. I want to be a supply teacher; how do I find a school to work in? We recommend that you liaise directly with supply agencies like ourselves rather than schools. This is to avoid additional burdens on schools and...
Early years supply skills

Early years supply skills

Supply work skills in the early years sector This education sector needs their workers to have early years supply skills. You are probably aware of the pressures the pandemic has put on staffing. Above all, It is a rewarding sector to work in and is varied. However,...
Surviving primary school teaching

Surviving primary school teaching

Here is our guide to surviving primary school teaching. The added pressures of the pandemic means surviving primary school teaching is harder than ever.  You may find as a supply teacher that its now even more important to n find a healthy balance between personal and...
Teachers and TikToc

Teachers and TikToc

What teachers need to know about TikToc Here we look at teachers and TikTok. A few weeks ago, our latest news was dedicated to what teachers should do regarding their online presence. You can click here to read it if you have not seen it yet. However, since then it...
Why become a tutor?

Why become a tutor?

Why become a tutor? Have you asked yourself why become a tutor? Tutoring can be a great option if you previously left teaching. For example, if you have left teaching due personal reasons or to pursue a different career. Secondly, you may have retired, are a supply...
Self-harm in pupils

Managing school bullying

Dos and Don’ts of managing bullying in schools Here we look at Managing school bullying. Did you know this week is anti-bullying week? Therefore, we have listed some tips for our supply teachers and support staff to use. You probably agree that bullying behaviour has...
STEM supply teaching

STEM supply teaching

STEM supply teaching Here look at STEM supply teaching. As we celebrate Maths Week and World Science Day, we look at the STEM industry and teaching shortages. STEM jobs: facts and figures Did you know that out of a workforce of 32.8 million people, 5.9 million (18%)...
A Supply teacher guide to managing burnout

Understanding stress

Understanding stress Here as part of stress awareness week, we look at understanding stress. Also we look at how it affects you both mentally and physically. What is stress? Stress is a reaction to an overwhelming thought which triggers physical changes in your body....
Teachers and TikToc

Supply teacher’s online presence

As we celebrate world online networking day, we offer some tips for supply teacher’s online presence. Whys is a supply teacher’s online presence important? A supply teacher’s online reputation is just as important as a reputation in the community....
Work/Life Balance Week

Work/Life Balance Week

As it’s work/life balance week, we take a look at why supply teaching supports a healthy lifestyle. What is work/life balance? Words are important and the subtlety of some phrases can say a lot. The term ‘work-life balance’ has been increasingly used and is...
World Teacher’s Day

World Teacher’s Day

As we celebrate World Teacher’s Day, we want to say ‘thank you’ for the great work they do. In addition, we take a look at why supply teaching may be for you. Supply teaching is a great opportunity for many reasons and can be an option that makes a...
European Languages Day

European Languages Day

Did you know today is European Languages Day? The European Day of Languages is celebrated every year on 26th September and is now in its seventeenth year. What is European Day of Languages? Firstly, Europe enjoys a rich diversity of language and cultures with 200...
Teaching Assistants’ Day

Teaching Assistants’ Day

Today we celebrate National Teaching Assistants’ Day.  Here, we look at the role of a TA and why you may want to become one. The role of a Teaching Assistant is key for today’s education. Above all, it raises the standard of teaching from class groups to individual...
Teaching Assistants’ Day

Why is literacy so important?

Did you know that today is ‘National Read A Book Day’? In addition, it is also ‘International Literacy Day’ on the 8th September. So, as we celebrate two literacy linked days this week, we will look at why is literacy is so important. Why is literacy important?...
ECT supply teaching

ECT supply teaching

Why ECTs should consider supply teaching Here we look at ECT supply teaching. Starting your career as an ECT supply teacher gives you the perfect platform to gain real classroom experience. You can this and still get all the support you need to help you through your...

Record Retention Policy

Record Retention Policy We ensure that all records are kept in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. Extra care is taken with all sensitive and personal data. For example, information captured in the Equal Opportunities Form, CVs and our...
Why become a tutor?

Children’s art Day

Information about Children’s art Day for art teachers and Primary school teachers Did you know that the  6th of July 2021 is Children’s Art Day? Notably,  Children’s Art Week is normally run by Engage. You may not know that Engage stands for the National...
Teacher Coping Strategies

Teacher Coping Strategies

Here we look at teacher coping strategies. It’s now the final stretch of term time for a lot of teachers, after what has been another challenging year. It’s also the time when teachers are busy marking exam papers as well as awarding grades in some cases. To get...
Surviving primary school teaching

Why include a cover letter?

Have you asked yourself why include a cover letter? As we reach the peak time for schools to recruit ECTs for September 2021, we thought we would highlight the use of including a cover letter when applying for a role. It is more important than ever to utilise this...
Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

As its Mental Health Awareness week, we have listed below a reminder of the signs of depression. We hope this helps teachers spot early symptoms for themselves and others. In order to increase your mental health awareness, we have split signs into psychological,...
World Teacher’s Day

ECT replaces NQT

Did you know that ECT replaces NQT? The DfE has released its latest statutory guidance on ‘Induction for early career teachers’. Here we take a brief look at the main changes to it since 2018. The term early career teacher (ECT) replaces newly qualified...
Pupils talking in class

Pupils talking in class

10 reasons why pupils need to talk in class. Here we take a look at pupils talking in class. As a supply teacher, you may think there are no good reasons for pupils talking in class. However, restrictions due to the pandemic have meant less opportunity for social...
World Autism Week

World Autism Week

Did you know today starts the beginning of World Autism Awareness Week in schools? You do not not have to be a SEND teacher, SEND supply teacher or send TA to read this blog. You may be a teacher or supply teacher working in mainstream school and know little about...
Podcast Inspiration

Podcast Inspiration

Maybe if you have time on your hands, given the lockdown restrictions, you could explore some of the amazing podcasts that are available. Do you need some podcast inspiration? We have pulled together some education orientated podcasts for you to listen to. The LKMco...
Why become a tutor?

Male Teachers

Here we look at the numbers of male teachers and supply teachers. We also look at why we should encourage men to start a career in teaching, both permanent teaching and supply vacancies. Over the past decade, thousands of male primary and secondary school teachers...
Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week

Did you know that Geography awareness week was created in 1987? Above all, it is an annual celebration of geography and the important role it plays in all our lives. You may agree it has been a turbulent year natural disasters. Remember the searing bush fires in...
Children’s book week

Children’s book week

Here is a useful book list for primary teachers and secondary English teachers. Did you know that this week is Autumn’s ‘Children’s book week’? Therefore to celebrate we have listed Waterstone’s ‘Best books to look out for children in 2020’. Importantly, there is a...
Check your teaching pension!

Check your teaching pension!

You may have heard about the news regarding DfE errors regarding teachers’ pensions. Therefore we think it important that you check your teaching pension. So here we have provided a summary of how and why you should check your pension details. Also we guide you...
Supply staff and anxiety

Supply staff and anxiety

Here we look at Supply staff and anxiety. Returning to school this year is going to be new for everyone. You are likely to have concerns about Covid-19. In addition you may feel anxious because you have been away from the classroom for so long, as well as having new...
National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day is on the 1st of October 2020, but it is not day bound by one day – it’s a storehouse of limitless ideas and activities free to use all year round, whether at home or in the virtual/actual classroom. Some schools celebrate one day, some celebrate...
British Science week

STEM teacher shortage

A recent report into STEM teacher shortage Did you know that a recent report found that there is an acute STEM teacher shortage? The report was carried out by Engineering UK 2020. So you’ve probably guessed this includes science teachers and maths teachers in...
The right way to write

The right way to write

  The right way to write is a look at what Rosemary Sassoon has to say about how teacher hel pupils with handwriting. Rosemary is one of the world’s leading researchers into how and when a child should be writing. Before she retired, she said that insisting a...
Work/Life Balance Week


WHY CHOOSE SUPPLY TEACHING? You make ask yourself, why choose supply teaching at the start of your career? Starting your career as an ECT and working as a supply teacher gives you the perfect platform to gain real classroom experience, whilst getting all the support...
Teaching Assistant Careers

Teaching Assistant Careers

Teaching Assistant Careers: a look at Teaching Assistant Careers through one man’s journey. About Martin, a Teaching Assistant and his career journey “I started my Teaching Assistant Career with much hesitation. This was because I felt it was a ‘sector of...
TA journey

TA journey

 A look at Elizabeth’s TA journey. Here we look at  at one woman’s TA journey. “I decided to become a Teaching Assistant because I felt I had a lot to offer. I have a good academic background which has been mainly self-driven but most importantly I...
Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy Guide Here is our guide to our Child Protection Policy. OEG and its brands aim to positively promote the well-being of children. In addition, we ensure that our candidates are fully aware of the procedures for Child Protection. OEG’s...
Cover Supervisor Training

Cover Supervisor Training

Cover Supervisor Training Cover Supervisor Training is a very popular and well received training course. We put the emphasis on how Cover Supervisors can develop resilience and positive approaches to classroom management that will ensure learning takes place. The huge...
Motivating Students to Learn

Motivating Students to Learn

Firstly, this free online course on motivating students to learn will teach you the different factors that affect student motivation. Importantly you will be shown how to create a classroom environment that promotes motivated learning. You are probably aware that...
Training Policy

Training Policy

Training Policy The purpose of this Training Policy is to control the activities associated with the training of First for Education staff to more adequately be able to perform the duties required of them. This procedure establishes the responsibilities and describes...
Who Needs a DBS check?

Who Needs a DBS check?

Who Needs a DBS check? Barred list checks can only be carried out on those who are engaging in regulated activity. The definition of ‘regulated activity’ includes where individuals: Are responsible, on a regular basis, for teaching, training, instructing, caring for...
Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy We assess applicants’ suitability for positions which are included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order. This involves using criminal record checks. Consequently, the checks are processed through the...
Privacy Notice Policy

Privacy Notice Policy

The Company is a recruitment business which provides work-finding services to its clients and work-seekers. The Company must process personal data (including sensitive personal data) so that it can provide these services – in doing so, the Company acts as a data...
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy About our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy. Firstly, one of the company’s core principles is to uphold responsible and fair business practice. Secondly, we want you to know that we are committed to promoting and maintaining the...
GDPR Statement

GDPR Statement

GDPR Statement We are happy to share our GDPR statement with our supply teaching staff. Please read the below statement. 1.1. Firstly, OEG and its brands (“we”, “our”, “us”, “the Company”) takes its obligations under...
Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy

OEG and its brands are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and candidates to share this commitment. OEG strictly adheres to the Recruitment, Selection and Vetting checks that must be made on all people...
Ken Robinson

Ken Robinson

Here we give you one of the most popular TED talks of all time delivered by the witty Ken Robinson. Importantly, he makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. Liverpool born Ken...
Avlin Irby

Avlin Irby

Avlin Irby TED talk. According to the US Department of Education, more than 85 percent of black fourth-grade boys aren’t proficient in reading. What kind of reading experiences should we be creating to ensure that all children read well? In a talk that will make...
Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Until recently, many teachers only got one word of feedback a year: “satisfactory.” And with no feedback, no coaching, there’s just no way to improve. Bill Gates suggests that even great teachers can get better with smart feedback — and lays...
Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk, she describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it...
Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller

Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free. This is not just to provide a service, but as a way to research how people learn. With Coursera (cofounded by Andrew Ng), each keystroke, quiz, peer-to-peer discussion and...
Christopher Edmin

Christopher Edmin

What do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthral and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don’t teach to educators. A longtime teacher himself, now a...
Geoffrey Canada

Geoffrey Canada

Why, why, why does our education system look so similar to the way it did 50 years ago? Millions of students were failing then, as they are now — and it’s because we’re clinging to a business model that clearly doesn’t work. Education advocate Geoffrey Canada...
Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver shares powerful stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington, West Virginia. Looking at diet and the  shocking image of the sugar we eat. TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of food Click on the...
Kelly McGonigal

Kelly McGonigal

Kelly McGonigal looks at stress.  Stress makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, there is an alternative view. New research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you...
Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson

  Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish. In addition he looks at how current education culture works against them. In a funny, stirring talk he tells us how to get out of the educational “death valley” we now...
Nadia Lopez

Nadia Lopez

Our kids are our future, and it’s crucial they believe it themselves. That’s why Nadia Lopez opened an academic oasis in Brownsville, Brooklyn. Brownsville is one of the most underserved and violent neighbourhoods in New York.  She did this because she...
Olympia Della Flora

Olympia Della Flora

‘To get young kids to thrive in school, we need to do more than teach them how to read and write. We need to teach them how to manage their emotions’, says educator Olympia Della Flora. In this practical talk, Olympia Della Flora shares creative tactics...
Ramsey Musallam

Ramsey Musallam

It took a life-threatening condition to jolt chemistry teacher Ramsey Musallam out of ten years of “pseudo-teaching.” Instead, she wanted to understand the true role of the educator: to cultivate curiosity. In a fun and personal talk, Musallam gives 3...
Sugata Mitra

Sugata Mitra

Onstage at TED 2013, Sugata Mitra makes his bold TED Prize wish. This was to help me design the School in the Cloud. It is a learning lab in India, where children can explore and learn from each other, using resources and mentoring from the cloud. Hear his inspiring...
Taylor Mali

Taylor Mali

Ever heard the phrase “Those who can’t do, teach”? At the Bowery Poetry Club, slam poet Taylor Mali begs to differ. In this TED talk, Mali delivers a powerful, 3-minute response on behalf of educators everywhere. Click on the button below to view the...
Astro Teller

Astro Teller

“Great dreams aren’t just visions,” says Astro Teller. “They’re visions coupled to strategies for making them real.” Astro Teller the head of X (formerly Google X), takes us inside the “moonshot factory,” as it’s...
Supply Humanities Teacher Journey

Supply Humanities Teacher Journey

Here we look at a supply humanities teacher journey, looking at her supply career. Louise feels deep knowledge and passion for a subject matter is a key factor to be an effective teacher.  Louise passion for teaching started 22 years ago as an English/Humanities...
SEND  learning principles

SEND Teacher’s Career Journey

Here we look at a SEND Teacher’s Career Journey for one woman, Rachel. Rachel’s Background Rachel Mary’s vision to become a teacher started as young as she can remember. Despite the challenges of teaching, it’s a passion that has never diminished but grown...
Morgana Bailey

Morgana Bailey

Morgana Bailey has been hiding her true self for 16 years. In a brave talk, she utters four words that might not seem like a big deal to some, but to her have been paralysing. Why speak up? Morgana Bailey realised that her silence had personal, professional and...
Privacy Notice Policy

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement The Company is a recruitment business which provides work-finding services to its clients and work- seekers. The Company must process personal data (including sensitive personal data) so that it can provide these services – in doing so, the Company...
Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations

Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations

 Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations Guidance. Operam Education Group adhere to all policies and guidance pertaining to safeguarding issues and compliance. We have a Policy section on our website which can be accessed via the main menu. You can see our list of...
Diploma in Educational Psychology

Diploma in Educational Psychology

Diploma in Educational Psychology Do you want to improve your teaching, instruction, and training methods? Why not sign up to a free online educational psychology course, developed by Alison. Did you know that Alison is a free online learning platform that has many...