Cover Supervisor Training
Cover Supervisor Training is a very popular and well received training course. We put the emphasis on how Cover Supervisors can develop resilience and positive approaches to classroom management that will ensure learning takes place.
The huge success of our Cover Supervisors had generated a direct demand from schools across several Local Authorities. They all ask the same question. “Will you come and train our Cover Supervisors?”. The answer of course is “yes”.
Firstly, training content varies depending on numbers and experience. Therefore rather than being prescriptive, we offer a fully flexible package, each course being bespoke and tailored to your needs. Importantly it is based on the experience of your delegates and requirements of your school. As a result, delegates leave the course feeling empowered, valued, motivated and ready to face anything!
Course content may include:
- What is a Cover Supervisor?
- Preparing you for the day.
- What to expect when arriving at school.
- Lesson Time.
- Breaks and Lunch.
- Staffroom Etiquette.
- What does a mainstream class look like?
- What challenges you may encounter in a classroom?
Please contact our training team to talk to one of our experienced training professionals, for a no obligation discussion regarding options and costings.
To learn more about careers in education, including cover supervisors, click here.